Guillaume Bernos
Time is based on Central European Time (CET)
Date: Day 1, Wednesday, 2nd February
Time: 4:30pm to 5:00pm
Name: Guillaume Bernos
Use OpenApi generator to share your models between Flutter and your backend
OpenApi is a standard to describe a REST api. By following an OpenAPI document, you can be sure that your frontend will make the correct backend requests. But how to take advantage of OpenAPI to simplify your development workflow? And how to make sure that you will not make mistakes when reading the OpenAPI documentation ? In this presentation I will: - Present quickly the OpenAPI specification, how a route is described in the format and how to represent common patterns (objects, lists …) - Present the openapi-generator-cli project on GitHub - Explain how to automate the process of creating the client package - How to import the package locally and how to use it - Explain how you can also do the same thing for the backend and be sure that both the backend and the frontend are using the same API With this presentation, an attendee will be able to know why generating an API client with the help of OpenAPI can save time and remove bugs from an app. He will be able to generate on its own a client package. Using this method to generate my client API saves me so much time that I would love to share it with Flutter Vikings!