Cagatay Ulusoy

Time is based on Central European Time (CET)

(GMT+1:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Date: Day 2, Thursday, 3rd February

Time: 6:00pm to 6:30pm

Name: Cagatay Ulusoy



From Motion Design Specs To Flutter Code


Motion is one of the pillars helping users guide through their journey. It is the most distinctive way to show what is happening on the screen. Motion eases the cognitive load, ‘lets’ the product interact with the user and shows the hierarchy of the elements. It also affects customer satisfaction by enhancing the experience with micro-interactions and aesthetic brand elements. In a production stage, animated transition previews are not enough to communicate to engineers. To achieve the best result and reduce friction between designers and engineers, motion specifications are needed. In this talk, we will talk about how to implement UI with Flutter according to the motion specs received from motion designers.


Cagatay is a Software Engineer specialized in Android and Flutter application development. He is currently working as a software engineer at Wolt, in the retail team. He is passionate about blogging and vlogging his ultra trail races, sharing knowledge in the Flutter community with sample apps and articles.